Riding an electric wheelchair with Chengcheng who can't exercise

Riding an electric wheelchair with Chengcheng who is unable to exercise [Source: Law Shaoxu Yaobin]

Chengcheng, who cannot exercise, uses an electric wheelchair.

I went to ride an electric wheelchair with Chengcheng, who was unable to exercise.

One of the biggest news in the wheelchair industry this year was that a wheelchair user "miraculously" stood up after getting off the bus, causing netizens to ridicule and question the disability transportation allowance. But if you have a friend who looks like "Sheng Cheng" Fan Chengrong, Boy, you will understand that you don’t have to be in a wheelchair first if you can’t walk a step, just like you don’t necessarily need a care seat first if you have a big belly or gray hair. It can be painful enough to make your face blue and your lips white, but you can’t sit still. No.

On the road of life, he would sometimes miraculously stand up and watch the movie:

To achieve achievement, you need to "move", so you first need to sit in an electric wheelchair and rush out of Tin Shui Wai from time to time. He suffers from congenital heart disease. He has been through death and rebirth several times at an unknown date. He has had no less than ten surgeries since he was two years old. He is 22 years old this year. This article of mine is written as his late arrival. great birthday gift. He has played basketball, and today he needs to take oxygen for half a day out on the street. His foot is literally swollen with a pig's trotter, and he can't walk without a trace.

Nine Knives said: "Life is a battle." To Chengcheng: Every day is a battle. You may be hospitalized if your fever persists, and you may want to wait for a heart transplant, but how many hearts can you have?

I asked Chengcheng, do you know how long a person with congenital heart disease usually lives?

He said: "No, everyone is the same. I don't know what to do today." 』

You have hands and feet today, so you really need to cherish doing exercises and breathing loudly, because every breath can save your life.

He can't go far, but he has to go further. He has a "prompt dialogue" segment in Thunder 881's "Big Game", telling how a young man with a chronic illness survives bravely. Although he had no choice but to go back to school and work, he was passionate about life. He looked at Huang Zihua even when he was sitting in a wheelchair or smelling oxygen. Even if he could not fly, he wanted to go back to his hometown in Vietnam (he grew up in a refugee camp) against all odds; he wanted to If you want to be a YOUTUBER, you should go to an electric wheelchair company to look for cooperation opportunities. Many media people will never learn this kind of MINDSET.

Chengcheng Facebook: Phan Thanh Vinh Light Journey

Chengcheng tried out the electric wheelchair at Haohao Medical Supplies

Just because there is no opportunity, you must first find an opportunity. Just because there is no possibility, you must first make it possible.

I heard a colleague introduce an electric wheelchair to a young man who sometimes gets into a car accident and has no hope of ever being able to walk again. I hope a car can help him. I tried to accompany Chengcheng in an electric wheelchair to a crowded book fair. I didn't feel like everyone was looking at me while I was sitting there. Is it more stressful because of limited mobility, or is it more stressful to book a person one by one? It’s as simple as taking the subway. In my case, you have to wait until the station where you get off. There are staff READY who can get on the train first, and no one else will let you get on. First, we need to step on the pedal together.

I don’t want to talk about the quality of people in Hong Kong. I want to talk about how a wheelchair user must have great courage and patience before he can go out on the street. As a result, he left the exhibition at around five o’clock and returned home at nine o’clock. Instead of using a wheelchair, a round-trip taxi costs $500 an hour, but the wheelchair is useless. It takes three times as long to use the wheelchair. This is the life of a wheelchair user in Tin Shui Wai.

Chengcheng, who is unable to exercise, uses an electric wheelchair

$500 VS 5 hours

The reality is that in Hong Kong, people with hands and feet can’t live well, and those with limited mobility have to fend for themselves, obviously. There is a similar story in the Gospel of John: In Jerusalem, there was a pool near the Sheep Gate, which was called Bethesda in Hebrew. There were five porches next to it, and in it lay many sick people who were blind, lame, and withered. There was a man there who had been ill for 38 years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had been ill for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to be healed?" The sick man answered him, "Sir, no one put me into the pool when the water was stirred up. "Someone else went down before me." Jesus said to him, "Get up, pick up your mat, and walk away." Immediately the man was healed, picked up his mat, and walked away.

Even if there is a rehabilitation pool, it is not used for seriously ill people. It is like an emergency room where a large group of people with colds and colds have rushed out. It is the same scene as the D swimming pool in the mainland where people are piled on top of each other and bubbles hit bubbles.

It seems like I moaned a lot, but it’s not as good as watching Dian Chengcheng play with an electric wheelchair.

Some people say: "A heartbeat is worse than an action." Even my words and actions are not as good as my heartbeat.

Because there are people, we have to move forward even if we can’t move.


Phan Thanh Vinh Light Journey Facebook Page

Law Shaoxu Yaobin Facebook page

Reposted from Fitz link: https://fitz.hk/?p=100852