Electric Wheelchair Controller-Quality Assurance

Recently, due to the epidemic, the market has been experiencing a shortage of electronic control chips, the automotive industry and even various electronic parts are experiencing shortages, coupled with rising currency costs. The electric wheelchair market has therefore seen many entry-level products using substitute controllers.

PG controller electric wheelchair

Among them, the advantages of PG controller over alternative controller are:

1. Fast response and high immediacy

2. When going up an incline at low speed and low current, the torque (Torque) is sufficient and the wheelchair will not slip behind on the incline.

3. More durable and will not break easily even if it encounters impact.

Because in Hong Kong, we have many diagonal roads. If we slip behind diagonal roads, it will cause safety problems. Even with the same battery and motor, the effects of using different controllers will be very different. One of the features of the PG controller is that it can also require the motor to release large torque at low speeds, making it easy to go up and down slopes.

Our company has directly ordered a large number of genuine PG controllers from PG controller manufacturers, hoping that users can get the best quality.

Controller sent from PGDT PG Drive Technology

Wheelchair PG controller

PGDT original electric wheelchair controller

Electric wheelchair controller

The first page of the genuine PG controller manual

PG genuine

All models using genuine PG controllers come with original and genuine instructions to prove the quality of the source.