Electric wheelchair legal supervision and legislation

Many users have asked about the legal supervision and regulations regarding the use of electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters in Hong Kong.

For relevant inquiries, please refer to the following reply from the Transport Department of the Hong Kong Government.

" Electric medical walking aids (including electric wheelchairs and electric scooters for people with disabilities) are not regarded as cars. People who need to use medical walking aids can obtain professional advice and information from rehabilitation medical professionals (such as the Hospital Authority Community Rehabilitation Center under its jurisdiction)"

If the user has a medical certificate , the electric wheelchair is a personal medical transportation device and does not belong to the category of motor vehicles. Therefore, the user does not need to register and obtain a license from the Transport Department, but must abide by the traffic rules applicable to pedestrians and should not Use a power wheelchair on the road or cycle track.

Electric medical walking aids Transport Department (electric wheelchairs and electric scooters for persons with disabilities)

Of course, it can also be used within the MTR area, but please use it with caution, avoid driving quickly, and ask staff for ramps and assistance.

Electric wheelchairs and electric scooters for people with disabilities

International standards and Hong Kong legal regulations for electric wheelchairs

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